Starting tomorrow, ill be in a worldwide competition against students from all parts of the globe in good old Orlando, Florida for 5 days. Its basically for an organization around schools called TSA. Im basically competing in technology based projects, my pride that got me there, Web site design. I would send a link, but im gonna keep it private. After winning 1st in my state, i saw some entrees and now a bit nervous. But i hope you can cheer on a fellow Newgrounder ^_^. So, if i win anything big, ill make sure to post.
In other news, i have been away from animation this past month. Though i have slapped myself across my face for it. I blame working on the technology projects, my bugging friends, being lazy, and Team Fortress 2. My favorite class is probably between soldier and spy. But anyways, i have already at least came up with a concept and have been practing some Flash at least.
So....go suck a lemon. Its Summer after all =D
Lol, this pic only took 5 mins.