View Profile Griffonzo
Has never procrastinated like anybody else since 1994.

Age 30, Male



Joined on 5/2/07

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Griffonzo's News

Posted by Griffonzo - August 18th, 2011

Wow, I havent posted in two years, but im lazy enough to stare at the tank everyday. OOPSIEDOODLES.

Well, I havent been "not-productive", but up to a point where I have nothing to submit to NG. However, i've been getting a kick in the pants after visiting Ringling College. Now Im threatened to slap together a neat and polished portfolio less than five months. Nerve-wracking. So Im up and about again, whoopie! While I dont got much to show, heres misc. things I've done for games and for simple practice.



Im getting down some ideas for animating, but right now Im getting dem art skillz refined. I'll post something when it looks close enough to classy. Stay new, oldgrounds.

A little something something

Posted by Griffonzo - April 6th, 2009

New submission!
Out of the likeliness this would ever happen to me, I collaborated with Sam T to bring you Life in the Portal. I only had a small job, but still I am glad to be a part of it. So what are you waiting for, watch it!

In other news, I finally have spring break this week, so ill begin working on another project of mine. I also contributed to a Camp North collab following its re-release to the website. Other than other personal projects, thats all I have to say. Thanks everyone!

P.S. Yes, its sonic, and I am no way a sonic fan. It was a great opportunity to poke fun at him, and will deliver more creative individual projects later on.

Posted by Griffonzo - January 19th, 2009

Thats right, my uninteresting updates are much better than Jonbro's posts right? Anyways, I haven't been going into the animation world, but I sold my life to Camp North where I have been doing art in Flash and Photoshop. Right here you can see my profile, really I think the website has been giving me moral to practice drawing and using photoshop.

In the Flash world, I admit it has been getting a little dusty, but with my website expertise I still have been going on and off. I am still wondering if I should continue my flash project I have dealing with though. Honestly, I need to become more organized, PLAN, and storyboard my flashes for now on. So until I get necessary skills and ideas, I will remain boring to you :(

Thats pretty much about it. I also updated my profile pics which I think look very nice. Now here's a pic with some famous artists I did for Camp North. All of these people came from Newgrounds, and I dare you to name all of them (though one of them is tricky.)

News worthwhile to hear

Posted by Griffonzo - October 1st, 2008

It has been a very long time since my last post, and now many of my NOT fans think im unproductive (who has?). No longer. I have started a new animation from which I have picked up because once again procrastination owns me. Because of school, theres something I get to look forward to in the afternoon.

So, whats it about? Meh, its a shorty, and you'll find out. I can't give a due date, but of course, it'll be done before end of 08' ;D

I have also just realized when I go to one of my competition things November is that im gonna be teaching a whole state student organization about the basics of web design (along with partners.) It'll be a grand opportunity and hopefully won't scar my life if I mess up.

Finally, heres at least a pic of the animation im working. Bai

Woah, update time!

Posted by Griffonzo - July 4th, 2008

Supposing that none of you have been reading my posts, I just went to Orlando, Florida for a conference competing with other students.

The big ones i got were:

3rd- Website Design (There was rule violations of the school in 3rd, but was announced because it was ignored by the stupid judges)

3rd- Electronic Game Challenge

I am proud and I stand all above you people who sit in a chair wasting you life consuming everything in front of you, including your girlfriend......if you have one......well maybe your mother.....no that doesn't work....forget it.

Posted by Griffonzo - June 27th, 2008

Starting tomorrow, ill be in a worldwide competition against students from all parts of the globe in good old Orlando, Florida for 5 days. Its basically for an organization around schools called TSA. Im basically competing in technology based projects, my pride that got me there, Web site design. I would send a link, but im gonna keep it private. After winning 1st in my state, i saw some entrees and now a bit nervous. But i hope you can cheer on a fellow Newgrounder ^_^. So, if i win anything big, ill make sure to post.

In other news, i have been away from animation this past month. Though i have slapped myself across my face for it. I blame working on the technology projects, my bugging friends, being lazy, and Team Fortress 2. My favorite class is probably between soldier and spy. But anyways, i have already at least came up with a concept and have been practing some Flash at least.

So....go suck a lemon. Its Summer after all =D

Lol, this pic only took 5 mins.

National Competition and update

Posted by Griffonzo - May 21st, 2008

Lately i've been scouting my way to improve my drawings, first by my overall characters. By combining an artist's style and how i draw it, i am really starting to improve my drawing. And with school coming to a close, you can expect something from me this summer. I don't have the ideas yet, but i am becoming confident with Flash. My animation skills are good, all i need now is the technique.

On another note, i need to stop making posts really until i submit another flash. So unless im posting about animation progress, don't expect for me to post for a bit.

Finally, heres the pic of my new person ^_^

Guess what it says behind him (easy).

A new perspective...

Posted by Griffonzo - April 4th, 2008

It features the same characters of my last flash, with a better look and a new plot. Its like another test. But after this one, i will begin animating a new series with better quality and what not. Ill update more of it.

New animation

Posted by Griffonzo - April 3rd, 2008

I finally submitted my first flash. I couldn't hold my temptations O_O. Not gonna say vote 5, but i would like if you did. Also i didn't expect for this to go into the portal, but with minor adjustments...

So yeah,

Posted by Griffonzo - April 2nd, 2008

Not too long ago i got a new mouse which now i can draw much smoother, but dang it's not enough. I doodle a lot of notebook paper. On a computer, it's colorful, better shadowing, some stuff even better than my pencil work. Yet, animation comes around the corner and kicks me in the balls! I try and try drawing landscapes and characters, but they turn out wrong. It blocks me, then life sucks, and i give up on an easy walk cycle flash. Thats why I REALLY need a tablet.

Do some of you have the same thoughts? O_O